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医疗器械二类备案流程: 1、准备执照副本,公章,实际经营地址房本复印件,租房合同 2、需要提供一名质量管理员,医学医护相关专业毕业满3年的 3、网上提交医疗器械二类备案审核资料通过后线下交材料 4、经营医疗器械二类批发的企业还需要准备库房 可全程免费指导办理流程,提供质量管理员,也可托管办理,专业速度快速*快3天完成备

ccept the application of the applicant's application; (3) investigate the actual site and review the product; (4) grant the issuance of a class III medical device license.2. Legal basis: Article 14 of the Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices For the filing of Class I medical devices and the application for the registration of Class II and III medical devices, the following materials shall be submitted: (1) product risk analysis data; (2) technical requirements of the product; (3) product inspection report; (4) clinical evaluation data; (5) product instructions and label samples; (6) quality management system documents related to product development and production; (7) other materials required to prove the safety and effectiveness of the product. Medical equipment class filing process: 1, to prepare the license copy, official seal, the actual business address room this copy, rental contract 2, need to provide a quality administrator, medical related professional graduate full 3 years of 3, online medical device class filing audit data through offline material 4, medical equipment wholesale warehouse also need to guide the free process, provide quality administrator, can also be managed, professional speed fast fastest 3 days to co

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