工商注册 , 资质审批 , 代理记账 , 建委资质 , 舞美资质 , 拍卖资质


follows: (1) the applicant submits the application materials to the relevant departments; (2) the relevant departments accept the application of the applicant; (3) investigate the actual site and review the products; (4) grant the issuance of the Class III medical device license.2. Legal basis: Article 14 of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices for the filing of Class I medical devices and the application for the registration of Class II and Class III medical devices, The following materials shall be submitted: (1) product risk analysis data; (2) technical re of the product; (3) product inspection report; (4) clinical evaluation data; (5) product specification and label samples; 3. Sales of Class III medical devices: You have to have your own warehouse, And the warehouse needs to set up cold storage, Because of the Class III medical devices, There is a need for thermal insulation, Above a certain temperature, It is easy to deteriorate and affect the of products, So very few dealers are to sell three types of medical devices.4, go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for the addition,
