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oducts; (4) grant the issuance of the third III medical device license.2. Legal basis: Article 14 of the Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices for filing of Class I medical devices and application for registration of Class II and Class III medical devices, the following materials shall be submitted: (1) product risk analysis data; (2) product technical requirements; (3) product technical requirements; (3) product inspection report; (4) clinical evaluation data; (5) product instructions and label samples; (6) quality management system documents related to product development and production; Requirements for application materials: 1. The Application Form for Medical Device Enterprise License submitted by the operating enterprise shall be signed by the legal representative or affixed with official seal; 2, the items in the Application Form for Medical Device Enterprise License shall be complete and accurate; 3, the identification certificate of the legal representative shall be valid; 4, the copies of the copies of the copies shall be the original and the copies shall be confirmed and retained and the original returned; 5. The property certificate and house lease certificate (the lessor shall provide

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