工商注册 , 资质审批 , 代理记账 , 建委资质 , 舞美资质 , 拍卖资质


cense.2. Legal basis: Article 14 of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices for the filing of Class I medical devices and the application for the registration of Class II and Class III medical devices, The following materials shall be submitted: (1) product risk analysis materials; (2) technical requirements of the product; (3) product inspection report; (4) clinical evaluation materials; (5) product specification and label samples; what materials are required for license registration of ii and III medical devices 7. ID card and working certificate of financial personnel; 6. The resume, educational background certificate or professional title certificate of the person in charge of the enterprise and the quality manager shall be valid; 7. The enterprise shall establish the quality management files or forms of medical devices according to its own actual situation.8. The self-guarantee statement of the authenticity of the application materials shall be signed by the legal representative and affixed with the official seal of the enterprise. If there is no official seal, there must be the signature or signature of the legal representative himself.9, where the application materials need to submit a copy, the applicant (unit) must be in the copy

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