工商注册 , 资质审批 , 代理记账 , 建委资质 , 舞美资质 , 拍卖资质

的企业还需要准备库房 可全程免费指导办理流程,提供质量管理员,也可托管办理,专业速度快速Zui快3天完成备案1、经营企业提交的《医疗器械经营企业许可证申请表》应有法定代表人签字或加盖企业公章;2、《医疗器械经营企业许可证申请表》所填写项目应填写齐全、准确;3、法定代表人的身份证明、学历职称证明、任命文件应有效;4、工商行政

suance of the third III medical device license.2. Legal basis: Article 14 of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices for the filing of Class I medical devices and the application for the registration of Class II and Class III medical devices, The following materials shall be submitted: (1) product risk analysis data; (2) technical product requirements; (3) product inspection report; (4) clinical evaluation data; (5) product specification and label samples; (6) quality management system documents related to product development and production; enterprises need to prepare the warehouse free of charge; Provides the quality administrators, Can also be managed for handling, 1. The Application Form for Medical Device Business Enterprise License submitted by the operating enterprise shall be signed by the legal representative or affixed with the official seal of the enterprise; 2. The items filled in the Application Form for License of Medical Device Business Enterprises should be complete and acc

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