工商注册 , 资质审批 , 代理记账 , 建委资质 , 舞美资质 , 拍卖资质


institutions or management personnel compatible with the business scale and business scope. The management personnel shall have relevant professional or professional titles recognized by the state, managers should be on the job, Do not take part-time jobs in other units; (2) having a relatively independent business site commensurate with the scale and scope of operation; (3) having storage conditions suitable for the scale and scope of business, Including storage facilities and e that meet the characteristic re of medical devices; (4) A product control system shall be established and improved, Including procurement, purchase acceptance, storage, warehouse review, tracking system and adverse event reporting system; (5) It shall have the ability of technical training and after-sales service suitable with the medical devices it operates.(6) It shall have a management system suitable for the medical devices in operation. Secondly, the operating enterprise should know what information it needs to prepare for the business license of three types of medical e.(1) Submit the application form for the license of medical device operating enterprise, signed by the legal representative or stamped with the official seal of the enterprise; (2) the copy of the name of the business license and the original copy and copy of the ID card, education and professional title certificate of the management manager of the enterprise; the id card, education or of t
