工商注册 , 资质审批 , 代理记账 , 建委资质 , 舞美资质 , 拍卖资质












ical device trading enterprise, signed by the legal representative or affix the official seal of the enterprise; (2) A copy of the pre-approval certificate of the enterprise name or the Business License issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce; (3) a copy of the id card, educational background or professional title certificate and personal resume of the quality management manager of the enterprise; a copy of the ID card, educational background or professional title certificate of the quality management personnel; (4) The business site, warehouse of the geographical location plan, plan (indicating the area), the property right certificate or lease copy of the agreement; (5) Enterprise product quality management system documents and catalogue of storage facilities and equipment. (6) Table of transportation equipment and storage facilities and equipment available by the enterprise when the contents of the busin

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