以上就是办理医疗器械许可证需要的资料流程和下证时间,同时您还需提供以下材料:1、企业名称与经营范围,注册资本及股东出资比例,股东等身份证明;2、医疗器械产品注册证书、供应商营业执照、许可证及授权书;3、质量管理文件等;4、2个或以上医学专业或相关专业人员证书、身份证明与简历;5、符合医疗器械经营要求的办公场地及仓库证明; 6、公司章程、股东会决议等;7、财务人员身份证和上岗证。
iod of three III: 5 years 2, second class record: no validity period 3. Processing time: 5 working days after the acceptance of the materials The above is the information process and certification time required for the medical device license, and you should provide the following materials: 1. Enterprise name and business scope, registered capital and investment proportion of shareholders, etc; 2. medical device product registration certificate, supplier business license, license and letter of authorization; 3., quality management documents, certificates, certificates and resume; 5. office space and warehouse cer