工商注册 , 资质审批 , 代理记账 , 建委资质 , 舞美资质 , 拍卖资质

第三条 从事表演舞台工程的企业分为:舞台设计制作、舞台灯光设计安装调试、舞台音响设计安装调试、舞台音视频设计安装调试、舞台机械设计安装调试五类。

第四条 北京地区资质等级评定工作由中国舞台美术学会统一组织yeneizhuanjia参与评定,各省、市、自治区学会依据此评定办法,根据当地实际情况和有关部门商定,函告中国舞台美术学会。



第五条 舞台设计制作工程企业

 Beijing shall be organized by experts in the industry. Societies of the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions shall inform the Society of Stage Arts by letter according to the local actual situation and the relevant departments. -Qualification rating criteria- In recent years, the increasing number of various large performance activities, temporary stage stand structures including lighting, sound, installation of mechanical equipment use more complex, safety problems also increased, it is necessary to participate in the performance of design and construction enterprises and safety behavior industry specification, put forward high

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