工商注册 , 资质审批 , 代理记账 , 建委资质 , 舞美资质 , 拍卖资质

第十二条 资质有效期为三年,每年进行一次年检换证。期满前30日内提交年检报告。

第十三条 持有资质证书的企业如有:








第十四条 持有资质证书的企业如在除北京地区外承接的工程项目,应有所在省、市、自治区舞美学会专家参与指导工作。

violating the contract; (6) damaging the image of the stage art industry; (7) having other acts in violation of laws and regulations. Once found, the qualification certificate will be cancelled at any time, and the application will not be accepted within three years. Article 14 If enterprises with qualification certificates undertake engineering projects outside Beijing, experts from the stage design society of the province, city and autonomous region shall participate in and guide the work.

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