3.法定代表人、企业负责人、质量负责人的身份证明(查验原件)、学历或者职称证明复印件(对于统一采购渠道,采取连锁经营的非法人零售企业,提供连锁企业总部质量负责人身份证明、学历或者职称证明复印件);(交验原件) (复印件共3份)
he legal representative, head of the enterprise, quality, head of the identity certificate (check the original), certificate of education or title copy (for unified purchasing channels, take the chain enterprise headquarters quality certificate, head of the degree or title copy); (submit the original) (copy of 3 copies) 4. Basic information of the enterprise (1 original copy).(Contains: organization and department set instructions, premises, warehouse location map, plan (indicate area), warehouse of property certificate and the right certificate copy, (entrust storage, should be submitted to the site location map, plan (indicate area) and the written agreement signed with the principal party, the principal copy